As a result of the pandemic, many students who have been away from their college campus will finally be returning for the first time this fall. If you’re an RA looking for ideas, these COVID mask themed door tags are a unique way to welcome your residents back to their dorms.
Door Decs for Medical Students & Nurses
These mask door decorations are great for medical students, nurses, Physician assistants (PA), dentists, and any other health related majors.

How to make the mask door decs
Linked below is a free printable door dec template that you can use to make yours. There are several different colors and designs to choose from, arranged to fit 2 door decs per sheet. Simply download the printable pdf, print out the template, cut it out and write out your residents’ names with a sharpie marker. Alternately, you can add the text for the names before printing. Click here to learn how to add text to a pdf. When cutting out the door decs, I’ve found that it’s best to leave some white space/border around rather than cutting all the way up to the edge of the designs. These door decs are really quick and easy to make. If you try it let me know how it turns out!